Tuesday, May 20, 2014


This is one of the first videos I took while in China.  It really kind of revealed to me in a small way how different things were.  Group exercise is a HUGE thing in China.  This is an unusually small group but I think they all work at the same hair salon and it was like a pre-work morning workout/bonding time.  There is one that happens EVERY NIGHT outside our complex's gate and there are at least 200+ people participating and sometimes more.  Most of the time though I don't really understand how it is exercise.  They really just march in a circle and sometimes wave their arms about. Up in the air. Like they just don't care AYO!

Ok I'll stop.

I really wanted to post more videos.  Because believe or not I do have a few.  And I think people should understand just how typical my life and children are here in China.  5th graders in China are the same as 5th graders in America and the apathetic attitude of a 16 year old boy is no different here.  I have a 6th grader whose middle name is Trouble with a capital 'T'.  I love him so much though and he really is a good kid even though I have to knock him around a lot because he's always in after school detention.  I've gone off on him several times in class and outside of class but I still haven't quite broken through to his little brick wall of no emotions and his I'm-too-cool-for-school adolescent 'tude. Makes ya wanna 'shake a chil'd!!!

Also now that I live in China and blog, I tend to like to learn more about Asian culture since I had no experience whatsoever with Asian culture.  Except in the times that I visited SE asia in 2007. And worked with Taiwanese and Hong Kongians and Chinese people at WOF.  So maybe I had a little.  But in my nights at home of resting and when I'm not diligently preparing for the next day's lessons...(HAHAHAHAHA...oh) I have found many entertaining things to watch they have to do with Asian culture:

1.  My Korean Husband-  A blog I follow of an Australian woman and her Korean husband living in Korea.  She draws daily comics of life with her husband and funny happenings of a Westerner living in Asian culture.  She makes me laugh and I always look forward to her posts.  Having so many Korean students, I get to learn a bit more about their culture through this fun couple.  I've even emailed Nichola with a question about Korean culture before and she actually responded!

2. FamousAmos-  He's an Asian-American that just graduated from a military academy in States but a lot of his videos are focused on his Korean background.  His motto of 'Smiling is Contagious' is definitely true.  Plus he's nice to just kind of watch. ;)

3.Speaking of China- This woman has lived in China for years and to be honest, I haven't really read a TON on her blog yet.  She's married to a Chinese man, has lived in China for 10+ years and is fluent in Mandarin.  She writes on everything to AMWF (Asian Male White Female) relationships to current struggles she still has living as a foreigner in China.

So that was fun...and the video still hasn't finished loading...Geez c'mon I wanna go to BED! 

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