Saturday, May 10, 2014

Beijing or Bust

The most goober picture of myself I could find in my stash of pics from my recent trip to Beijing.

As you probably know, within the first month of coming to China I packed bags for a week long trip to Beijing for TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) training.  8 hour a day classes, hardly any breaks, some people that I really did not get along with much, and boring lectures did not really make for a great first impression of Beijing.  In fact,  I would say I hated the city.  There are many foreigners here that say they would.


May Holiday was fast approaching and week long break from school was well needed.  My gal pal Bri and I decided a trip to Beijing was what we needed.  In addition, her sister would be in town visiting and we needed to give her the full tour!

So we went to the Forbidden City.  And I, of course, took an obligatory selfie with a Disney spot.  For those uncultured people, it's the place where Mulan gets honored in front of all of China and she has a great big last hooplah fight with Shan-Yu on the roof.

Then we went to the GREAT WALL OF CHINA! How many people can say they have walked a Great wonder of the world. Me. Twice round actually since I went to Angkor Wat on my first international trip that inspired me to move overseas in the first place

HA! THROWBACK!!! Anyway then I took an obligatory selfie at the GREAT WALL. With some old ruins.  That were possibly past a sign that said keep out.  That we possibly crawled through a window and sauntered past said sign. And then possibly proceeded to walk wherever we wanted and get great views of the mountains and completely overgrown parts of the Wall. But only POSSIBLY

We also met a charming Englishman at the Great Wall whom we then decided to spend our remaining day and a half with in Beijing.  We at some Mexican food, Pizza Hut, and Dairy Queen all of which he had never really experienced much less with 3 American girls

Toby, Bri, Myself, and Corsaire in front of the Olympic Bird's Nest.  (Also this photo credit goes to Corsaire. I stole her from her fb)

This was our cheesy tourist picture with peace signs and everything while many Chinese people stood around, watched, and snapped their own pictures.

Overall, it was a time well enjoyed in Beijing, and I'd say I could generally find my way around the city quite well by now.  Plus whenever, I decide to finally make my way to Great Britain (which WILL happen at some point) I now have a personal tour guide! Though Toby is actually a great mate to have. (Look at my British slang already being used!)  It's amazing how being in a different country brings foreigners and just people in general together.  I feel in America, people are not so outgoing or willing to try new things.  As a well seasoned traveler (I'd personally say at this point in my life), I can say that travelling has DEFINITELY made me a more outgoing person and more comfortable with new things in my everyday life.  When you're in a different culture, you don't have choice but to deal and just be comfortable with different obstacles.

So that's all for now.  Geez the ideas are just flowing this week.

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