Monday, May 19, 2014

No crying, no whining, no pinching, no punching, no hitting, no spitting, no pushing, no shoving....

We'll see if that video loads.  Kindergarten playing with their rhythm sticks.  These kids have been EN FUEGO the last few days.  They've been paying attention, remembering things from the day before and then applying it to real music.  It's like I'm a real live music teacher. ha  Also, MOTHER, take note of Emilie with fire engine red hair from Norway and eyes as big as saucers.

Silent Jenny, Daring Grace, Krazy Kevin, Eskimo Matthew, Chatty Maria, and Lovable Leah

Growling Luke, Mama Bella, Spunky Becky, Shy Justin, and Chad the Genius

Quiet little Estelle on the L, Miss Perfect Jessica (C), and Sassy Melissa

That is Samuel the Ham

Precious Sunny Dou, Roy (who I just want to squeeze), and grinny Kari

In other news,  I just discovered the wonderful art of watching YouTube videos of elementary music classes online and then repeating lessons in my own classroom, of course, tweaked to the kids' knowledge.  Half of my lessons have been things off the internet and suggestions from other first year music teacher friends.  Hey it's better than teaching them Three Blind Mice for the umpteenth or just singing with CDs.

I got my high school kids laughing pretty hard today.  I was telling them about a cultural mistake/language funny that had recently happened to me and they ate it up.  It's like when I make fun of myself and make myself look stupid is when there is the most laughs.  Not that I measure their happiness in laughter (but in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in LAUGHTER, in strife.) Special hugs and brownie points to those who understand the reference.

In other news,  we had wonderful meeting today after school to discuss plans/schedules for next year so that went rather well and was productive.  We're looking at more concerts, field trips, and a school dance! So excited for what the new school year will bring but am definitely ready (as are the kids) for a good extended break!

I also need some yarps for my own strength to get through the days and to have a spirit of discernment about me to make wise decisions.  I do have specifics about the discernment thing but no need to list them here.

Also, I must list that there are 3 Tv shows I'm currently waiting on.  The Walking Dead: premiering in October in which I will once again get to watch my Korean boyfriend Steven Yeun, Sherlock; which is my English beau and Doctor Who so I can see how much Peter Capaldi will ruin or make awesome the 12 reincarnation.

 I am also a total nerd if you couldn't tell.

 I'm looking for a new fandom to get into. I was leaning towards Game of Thrones but also had Breaking Bad or Merlin in the back of my mind.

I've also been searching for a gif to match this blogst and can't find one.  I fail.

Also the blogst title is from the lecture I give them everytime we move seats or do something they don't think is going to be fun. (when in reality they end up laughing and giggling by the end.)

This is ending really lamely...


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