Sunday, May 18, 2014

Are we there yet?

While everyone is graduating and ending their first year of teaching, heading off to summer vacations, etc.  I'm still here.

In China.


Everyday. (Except Saturday and Sunday)

There's still 2 more big events for the school and still stuff I need to teach these kids.  There's lots of 'stuff' to do and it's getting down to the wire.  I've kept myself motivated with Sherlock, Modern Family, and The Big Bang Theory.

I may well end up looking like this by the end of the year.

Sherlock gifs are ALWAYS appropriate.  I also recently discovered that several of my students also have a love for Benedict and his Sherlockian ways.  It's really bonded myself and a few students together in a whole different light.  I can now comfortably make Sherlock jokes in class and I won't get slow clapped out of the room.

Also Harry Potter gifs are greatly under appreciated.  I need a little spice in my life can't you tell?

I attended a friend's birthday party yesterday where I made the cake.  And by made I mean poured ingredients from a box and mixed in some eggs, oil, and water.  It was lemon flavor and wonderfully delicious in this country of no sugar products.

Also I tried to go and get work done today and instead there were people screaming, laughing, and yelling all over my quaint little, normally quiet coffee shop. That's ok. I didn't need to get stuff done...Carry on.

I should also mentioned using sarcasm to bilingual people is not always taken the right way.  But it's still fun to do.  I made the mistake of being sarcastic to my friend Jack and he didn't understand.  It was easily made clear though since one of his favorite shows is The Big Bang Theory and I then asked him if he needed a sarcasm sign like Sheldon does.  He then began laughing and finally understood not to take it so literally.

That's all my dear people.

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