Sunday, June 8, 2014

Transparent Person

I first must make this PSA:   

So that was a win.  Also I'm trying out this new font. Should I add color? Nah we're sticking with black. (hei se)

Geez, I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. I think I'll post several posts just to spread everything out that has happened. Which is a lot.

I started this particular post about 2 weeks ago after an incident that happened at school.  This incident is entitled: BULLYING.

Seriously, it is an issue everywhere.  Long story short, in an elementary class there was an instance of bullying that ended in several students crying, feelings were hurt and long conversations/conferences with a teacher and the principal.  This is the first time that bullying has been so blatantly obvious in our school.  Being a small school, things like bullying, mean students, troublemakers tend to be taken care of and shut down (at least for a little while) rather quickly.  

Since I teach the most students out of any teachers, I decided it would be a good idea to just give a life lesson on bullying to my Secondary students to make them aware of the situation as well and to let them know I was there to be a person they could report/talk to about anything bullying or otherwise. Well class ended with many students, girls and boys alike, in tears and stunned silence.  And these were teenagers aging from 12-18.  37 students. 

I myself was a victim of bullying in the 1st grade and 7th grade.  I can remember exactly where and when it was, what I was wearing, what the kids looked like that made fun of me and the EXACT words they used to verbally abuse me.  And that was years ago.  It STILL shocking to me how mean kids can be to each other.

Now a few weeks, later things have settled down but there is still the cautious and somewhat looming feeling that something was brought to the surface at YAS. Staff and students alike are all aware of it.

Also I wish I could add more about this but I feel like that's really all I need to say plus I need to write more entries about more happenings.

PS The title Transparent Person are words spoken to me by a student describing how she felt when being bullied by some of her peers whom she would consider some of her best friends.

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