Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Month 5

Day 23- I'm somewhat thankful it's getting cold outside.  More thankful I have warm things to keep me warm and PM 2.5 mask for the pollution that's getting worse by the day.  Also it just keeps my face warm.  I snapped this elevator selfie before heading out to the grocery store.  Also, I got told last night that I apparently dress like a child. Sorry not sorry that I wear warm clothes.

Day 24- I am thankful...for this:

Kind of. But I guess Thanksgiving is past now so it's allowed to get Christmasy.  Yantai sure isn't wasting any time with their massive Xmas tree.

Day 25-  I am thankful that Our Father is more powerful and bigger than anything going on in our country at the moment.  I honestly have had no real desire to delve too deep into any media or news stories regarding Ferguson.  I find out enough from skimming my Newsfeed.

Day 26- 

I am thankful for tight-knit groups of students.  I wouldn't go so far as to say our students are all BEST friends with one another, but for the most part they are pretty cordial with each other.  We definitely have cliques in our school just like anywhere else but in a school our size where everyone knows everyone's business and the Asian culture of saving face and the Korean hierarchy system there is a level of respect among them. These are 10-12 grade students playing an orange relay game in which they couldn't use their hands.  It was colonial days in which students participated in many colonial games and activities like candle and butter making, writing with quills and colonial games of orange relay and marbles.

Day 27-  I'm so thankful my grandma knows how to use technology and can Skype me every Tuesday and send me recipes when I need to make something for work Thanksgiving.  I'm fairly certain I successfully prepared her delectable fruit salad.  We'll see how it goes over with everyone tomorrow at our staff Thanksgiving!


1 comment:

Sherry Krupka said...

Happy Thanksgiving lady we all love to hear from you and about all the things we take for granted. Much love to you. Sherry Krupka