Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thankful Month 3

Day 17-  I am thankful for a new haircut.  And that even though I can barely speak any Chinese the nice workers at the hair salon were patient enough to get me what I wanted.  It's a bit shorter than what I'd like but my students told me that this hairstyle 'suits me more better'.  And that apparently I should wear my hair curly more often.

Day 18- I am thankful for silly memes on the internet. 

Day 19-  I am thankful for my small class of 6 wonderful girls everyday during 7th period.  They are my high school choir.  The beginning of the year was worrisome for all of us as we sized each other up and how days would go in choir.  They put forth a good amount of effort everyday and we still have fun days where we will talk about life things and I hear the gossip of what's going on in the social area of school.  But not to worry, I do monitor if negative things are said about themselves and others and I hope that I have taught these girls to respect themselves and other people even if there are things they don't like. I look forward to my time with them at the end of each day! 

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