Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankful Month

So I thought since I've been at a loss of what to write about lately I'd jump on in the bandwagon and do some Thankfulness Thoughts.

November 1st-

I am thankful for my friends here in China.  I have posted a few but here is a recent one.
Me, Jackson, Bri
November 2nd-

Soup because now I have dinner for the next few nights due to leftovers.  I attended a soup party on Sunday night with several other teachers and university students.  We had roughly 10 different kinds of soup, American and Chinese alike.  It was a wonderful night of fellowship and eating with new and old friends.
Look at what Irene put on my head! :P
November 3- For so many years, I didn't know normal social skills due to no siblings and my own shyness which resulted in few friends and no 'bosom friend'  (as Anne of Green Gables would describe) that I so long and desired for.  In the eighth grade, the year after I decided to follow Jesus with my life, I found her.  He blessed me with a person I could be completely and utterly transparent with.  I honestly can't think of a single thing that she doesn't know about me.  She has seen me at so many different points in my life and yet she's stuck it out for some crazy reason or another.  I have said countless stupid things in front of her or sounded completely ignorant about things.  She shocks me still with things she will say or do in front of people which inspires and teaches me to be bold.  She is almost the complete opposite of me which is why we are so compatible.  It pains me that it isn't so easy to just call her or go get Sonic/Starbucks or just watch School or Rock or The Emperor's New Groove for the 4000th time. And have concerts in the car (especially when I don't know the words), cruising along the freeway sticking our feet out the window screaming, "I'M DRIVING!"
Me and Shelby Lee Bell.
I look like a freakin' gopher.
A gopher?!
The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.
-Walt Disney

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