Saturday, November 22, 2014

UNthankful Post

So this happened DID NOT happen. I was all set to fork out some money to go see Mockingjay on the SAME day as everyone else on IMAX.  Yantai recently opened a brand new SEVEN floor mall with multiple international stores AND an IMAX movie theater.  A friend and I visited the theater about a week ago to inquire when we could buy tickets.  There was a MASSIVE sign hanging behind the desk advertising the movie and countdown to the opening.  The man kindly informed us of potential movie times and when we could buy tickets (2 days in advance).  Fast forward to today.  My friend returned to the theater today in order to buy tickets only to discover the gigantic sign was removed and the workers basically acted as if they had no idea what she was talking about when asked about the movie.

Here's the "answer": Why are China and Thailand scared of the 'Hunger Games'?

I can't make this stuff up people.  Anyways there was much gnashing of teeth, beating of the chest, fist to inanimate objects and frustrated yelling at the sky (internally).  But then while contemplating reasons it became quite obvious.  I won't elaborate for reasons but if you don't know the story of Mockingjay it is basically a community of rebels that rise against the government that claims to have control and perfected life for its citizens in order to maintain peace and fairness.  Just mull over that for little while. :)

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