Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You be careful. People in masks cannot be trusted

Or the other classic as Wesley hangs off the cliff and Inigo is trying to find a way for them to trust each other:

"Isn't there anyway you'll trust me?"
"Nothing comes to mind!"
"I swear on the soul of my father, Domingo Montoya, you will reach the top alive."
(pause) "Throw me the rope."

It occurred to me over the past few days how easily I trust.  In people and just things alike.  I trust every morning the sun will rise and I trust the bus driver is a talented enough driver to maneuver the streets of Yantai without getting everyone on board in an accident.
In a short time I have come to trust the people I live with and around.  That tends to happen when you're in a foreign city quite alone sometimes and only certain people know what you're going through.
This past weekend as Iwas being driven back to the airport to return to Yantai it was pouring down rain.  It then dawned on me that not only did I trust my driver enough to get me on time to the airport, I also depended on him to know the way. (And of course to arrive safely)  My driver, Ciu Jia Rong (Jow Rong) has started to really be like a gege (big brother) to me.  We tease each other all the time, he makes fun of my Chinese and I make fun of his English, and basically talk in a joking manner 90% of our time together.  This weekend though I told him of some concerns/decisions I would have to make for the upcoming year and he asked me if I was feeling "Yali" or pressure.  I told him yes and then later thinking, "I've known this guy for six months and I'm trusting him by telling him concerns I have for the future?"
The same goes for a few other friends (Americans mostly) I have come to accept into my China family.  Most are Followers and I can call them up on any various occasion and it not be 'weird' anymore.  It has taken 6 months though to get to this point of course but 6 months is really not a long time.  In China, I would trust my new friends with practically anything and though I myself have been a follower for nearly 10 years now, there are STILL things I don't trust to The Boss.
The message I heard at my Sunday meeting happened to be about trust and trusting in The Boss.  Why is it that someone I've known/heard about my entire life I can't trust as easily as my friends I've known for six months?   oh yeah. That's right because I can't SEE Him or HEAR his voice or TALK to Him.  Then I open my eyes and realize I see Him in my friends, hear through my kids singing, and carry on a conversation whenever I chat/have life conversations with friends.
This post is really long and I don't know if it's as good as the others because this one took me like 3 days to write whereas the others have taken me all of 20 minutes to type up. (Also I don't know how to fix that sentence without ending in a preposition so I'll just leave it as is. <--That sentence is messed up too isn't it?)

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