Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sayings of a YAS student

"Miss McClureeee" (Always a nice long EEEEE at the end)
"Today you have makeup!" (Apparently I must look entirely different when I don't wear it)
"Today you SOOOOOO brutuful!" (One of my kindergartners tells me this practically every day)
"You have black on your eye!" (Kindergartner referring to the eyeliner I was wearing)
"PRINCESS!! MERMAID!!!" (Little mermaid leggings I had on one day)
"What is dad-gum?" (I choose to say Dad-gum as my swear word in front of students)
"I kick Santa Claus!" (This student didn't get legos for Christmas
"Meesta Chrees is the harlk (Hulk)!"  (His English tutor IS quite strong)
"You no have boyfriend? You no want to get married?! But NOW is good time!" (3rd grader that was outraged I wasn't already tied down)
"PUSH ME MISS MACLOORE! PUSH ME!!" (Swings at recess)
"We play freeze dance today?"  (Answer: NO!)
"Miss McClure. The drumset. There is a cymbal rusted. Can I take it? And fix?" (One of my highschool boys that plays drums and clearly knows more about the drumset than I ever will)
"We watch movie today?" (Answer: NO!)

These are ones I could come up with off the top of my head. Thought I would share.

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