Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I am not the Dread Pirate Roberts

-he told me "My name is Ryan; I inherited the ship from the previous Dread Pirate Roberts, just as you will inherit it from me.  The man I inherited it from is not the real Dread Pirate Roberts either.  His name was Cummerbund.  The real Roberts has been retired 15 years and living like a king in Patagonia."

Seriously, I have a problem using movie quotes as blog posts titles.  I don't even care.
The past few days the subject of identity has been on my mind.  At our Fellowship meeting on Sunday, our message was about how we do things only so that people will like us and being called the "Like" Generation.  We as humans have such an innate need to be wanted, liked, accepted, we forget that human acceptance is not what truly matters and that other's opinions and thoughts do NOT 'define' who we are.

Yes, I am a teacher and I love my job but I would not say that teaching is what defines me or that being a teacher is who I am as a person.  It's a job. A career that is just one aspect of my life.  I was talking with a friend the other day about our various jobs and responsibilities in China as teachers and I straight up told him teaching my children music was not the most important thing about my job.  I have a firm belief that I have a greater influence on these kids rather than just giving them academic things to learn.  As an educator, I have a responsibility to teach my kids to be better people.  From teaching the first and second graders to be nice to our friends to teaching my high school kids to make safe and smart choices (Thank you Ms. Miller).

In The Princess Bride Buttercup has had a loathing hate for the Dread Pirate Roberts that killed her beloved Westley.  She comes to discover the Westley IS the Dread Pirate Roberts but that the name has passed down through many men and that it was the name itself, not the man, that cast fear into the hearts of men.
My name has been greatly associated with the Queen as many Chinese people always comment she and I have the same name and that my name is royalty. hehehe. But I would certainly not say that Elizabeth is what identifies me as I also am called Liz, Lizzy, Cuz, Miss MacClure, Teacher...among others.

I remember my sophomore year of college finishing up basic theory and sightsinging classes.  I was studying with a friend for a big exam the next day and was really stressing about the test. I told him that I was afraid that the professor would think I was stupid and incapable of learning the subject matter and just performing in general or that I wasn't a devoted student.  My friend gave me a somewhat incredulous look saying, "Elizabeth, I don't know why you're so worried about what others think of you.  It's really only His opinion that is going to matter in the end."  This friend probably has no idea how much his words have stuck with me over the years, but they always seem to come back to mind.

As ending note I must share this funny from last week of a 3rd grade boy. As an intro we were listening to some music and identifying instruments we heard.
Student: Miss McClure? My father? He like to do sex!
Me:  .... I'm sorry...? WHAT?
Student: Sex! My father! He like to do!
Me: What did you say?
Student: (exasperate sigh) SEX Miss McClure! He like to blow SEX!
***At this point, I'm dying on the inside and couldn't contain a giggle escaping and asked the poor boy to repeat himself a final time.***
Student: SEX-APHONE! He like to play SEX-APHONE Miss McClure!!!

I can't make this stuff up people...

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