Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Month 5

Day 23- I'm somewhat thankful it's getting cold outside.  More thankful I have warm things to keep me warm and PM 2.5 mask for the pollution that's getting worse by the day.  Also it just keeps my face warm.  I snapped this elevator selfie before heading out to the grocery store.  Also, I got told last night that I apparently dress like a child. Sorry not sorry that I wear warm clothes.

Day 24- I am thankful...for this:

Kind of. But I guess Thanksgiving is past now so it's allowed to get Christmasy.  Yantai sure isn't wasting any time with their massive Xmas tree.

Day 25-  I am thankful that Our Father is more powerful and bigger than anything going on in our country at the moment.  I honestly have had no real desire to delve too deep into any media or news stories regarding Ferguson.  I find out enough from skimming my Newsfeed.

Day 26- 

I am thankful for tight-knit groups of students.  I wouldn't go so far as to say our students are all BEST friends with one another, but for the most part they are pretty cordial with each other.  We definitely have cliques in our school just like anywhere else but in a school our size where everyone knows everyone's business and the Asian culture of saving face and the Korean hierarchy system there is a level of respect among them. These are 10-12 grade students playing an orange relay game in which they couldn't use their hands.  It was colonial days in which students participated in many colonial games and activities like candle and butter making, writing with quills and colonial games of orange relay and marbles.

Day 27-  I'm so thankful my grandma knows how to use technology and can Skype me every Tuesday and send me recipes when I need to make something for work Thanksgiving.  I'm fairly certain I successfully prepared her delectable fruit salad.  We'll see how it goes over with everyone tomorrow at our staff Thanksgiving!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

UNthankful Post

So this happened DID NOT happen. I was all set to fork out some money to go see Mockingjay on the SAME day as everyone else on IMAX.  Yantai recently opened a brand new SEVEN floor mall with multiple international stores AND an IMAX movie theater.  A friend and I visited the theater about a week ago to inquire when we could buy tickets.  There was a MASSIVE sign hanging behind the desk advertising the movie and countdown to the opening.  The man kindly informed us of potential movie times and when we could buy tickets (2 days in advance).  Fast forward to today.  My friend returned to the theater today in order to buy tickets only to discover the gigantic sign was removed and the workers basically acted as if they had no idea what she was talking about when asked about the movie.

Here's the "answer": Why are China and Thailand scared of the 'Hunger Games'?

I can't make this stuff up people.  Anyways there was much gnashing of teeth, beating of the chest, fist to inanimate objects and frustrated yelling at the sky (internally).  But then while contemplating reasons it became quite obvious.  I won't elaborate for reasons but if you don't know the story of Mockingjay it is basically a community of rebels that rise against the government that claims to have control and perfected life for its citizens in order to maintain peace and fairness.  Just mull over that for little while. :)

Thankful Month Post 4

Day 20- I'm thankful for this clever picture that made me laugh quite heartily.  It also reminds me of something an old college friend used to remind everyone of when they were going in a direction that he thought they ought not go. (It's a TRAP)

Day 21-  I'm grateful for reasons to dress up (sometimes).  On Friday, YAS held a formal Winter Dance.  Apparently, YAS in the past tried to hold an event like this but to no real success.  This time, almost 50 or so kids showed up, dressed their absolute best all practically too shy to even talk to their best friends they see everyday, much less talk to someone of the opposite gender.  A few of the students had a 'date' but honestly I don't think any of the 'couples' talked to each other, much less danced together.  We as the teachers tried to limit ourselves to the amount of dancing we did so as not to discourage the kids.  We hired a photographer to come and take pictures of the kids just like a normal high school dance.  Two kids were the designated DJs and they must have done a good job as there was always someone on the dance floor.  Granted, you had some of the kids playing on their phones the entire time avoiding everyone and the ones that were tired before they came and slept the whole time and then you had the boys who thought they would be clever and sneak outside to cross the street just to see how far away they could get. Are you freaking kidding me?  But all in all, I got some exercise, got closer to the kids while they all laughed at my dance moves and got second-looks since I was wearing a formal dress and 3 inch heels with heavier than usual makeup (which is normally none).

Leo(10 grade), Han(10), Jimmy(10), Harry(11), Tom(10)
Two of my sweet HS choir girls Kelly and Ellie (Grade 9)
These boys make me laugh everyday. Paul(11), William(11), Ken(11)

Day 22- I'm thankful for things that still make me laugh in this country.
Like fat carrots with dirt still on it to show you its freshness of being picked earlier in the day

Someone please inform me as to what exactly IS Pork Floss Bread?  I could make several funny comments about but I think the name itself is enough.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thankful Month 3

Day 17-  I am thankful for a new haircut.  And that even though I can barely speak any Chinese the nice workers at the hair salon were patient enough to get me what I wanted.  It's a bit shorter than what I'd like but my students told me that this hairstyle 'suits me more better'.  And that apparently I should wear my hair curly more often.

Day 18- I am thankful for silly memes on the internet. 

Day 19-  I am thankful for my small class of 6 wonderful girls everyday during 7th period.  They are my high school choir.  The beginning of the year was worrisome for all of us as we sized each other up and how days would go in choir.  They put forth a good amount of effort everyday and we still have fun days where we will talk about life things and I hear the gossip of what's going on in the social area of school.  But not to worry, I do monitor if negative things are said about themselves and others and I hope that I have taught these girls to respect themselves and other people even if there are things they don't like. I look forward to my time with them at the end of each day! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thankful Month Post 2

Day 4-  I'm thankful for my apartment because even though it's -1000 degrees Celsius, I at least have a roof and four walls that (kind of) keeps out the wind. ***Update: I now have HEAT in my apartment!***

This is me. But for real.

Day 5- Is it superficial to say I am thankful for the internetz? Cuz I am.  Fur seriouznezz 'does. I needz me some internetz. Erry. Day. Besides the fact that it is a wonderful database for finding out anything you ever wanted to know, it keeps me connected to my American home.  Without the internet, contact would be very difficult and I'm not sure if life would be so easy if I couldn't see/watch/hear pieces of America/English once in a while.

Day 6- (Geezum I have lots of days to catch up on.)  I am so thankful for my clogged toilets, leaky sinks, and frigid apartments because I become fix-it woman in China.  If I ever live in America again I won't have to worry about calling a plumber at the drop of a hat because I've fixed all 3. Well, currently I'm still working on the clogged toilet one.  I've tried plunging and the hot water/soap trick but to no avail. Any suggestions? ***Update: It unclogged later that night!***

Day 7- I like the fact that children are so freaking smart.  I taught this song to them in one day.

Peace in My Heart

Day 8- I'm thankful for having friends that are bilingual.  It comes in handy when you get in a jam in a jam in a foreign country.

Day 9- I am so happy that I like children now.  For many years, I was very uncomfortable around them and didn't really know what to do with them or look at them or play with them.  My junior year of university I went on a mission trip and worked with several very young MKs.  One boy in particular was 5 years old at the time and I was never bothered or annoyed by him the entire 2 weeks I was abroad.  Our favorite thing to do was look for scorpions under rocks and I was always in awe whenever he could already understand Arabic at the age of 5.  Previously in the year, I also became acquainted with a young girl in America who was around 6 at the time that I still occasionally get to hug now even 2 years later whenever I am home in the US.  She was probably one of the first children to say, "I love you," even when she had only met/seen me a few times.

Day 10- I enjoy movies.  And escaping into the worlds they create for me for a few hours.  Whether it be hundreds of years in the future on the USS Enterprise, go through the Fire Swamp with Buttercup and Wesley for 500th time in the medieval times, or watching superheros bust through brick walls and swim to the depths of the oceans.

Day 11-  I enjoy that China has a special holiday of 11/11.  Everything is on sale.  It's like Black Friday for China. Except I didn't buy anything or go shopping. Because I can't read sales signs anyway.  And I was too tired from work.

Day 12- I am thankful for my ukulele.  Piano always use to be a go to stress reliever for me when I was a teenager.  Now having my own apartment but no piano readily available I make do with what I have.  Which is the uke.  I first picked up a uke in my early teens but then didn't see think of it again until around my freshman/sophomore year of college.  I now can pick out almost any simple song in a matter of minutes.  My students love it and I'd really like to think about teaching the uke to some kids next year as a part of music class.

Day 13- I am thankful for all the different languages in the world. This world would be boring if everyone could understand each other.

Day 14- I am thankful for a grocery store within walking distance of my apartment.  I don't have a car or bike so I have to take a taxi, bus or walk everywhere I need to go.  Walking is obviously the cheapest option, then the bus with taxi coming in last with that still not even being THAT expensive.  It still less than 20 dollars to go somewhere even 30 minutes away.  Anyway, I then buy everything I need food wise put it all in my reusable grocery bag (since you have to buy plastic bags at the register is you want to use them).

Day 15-  I am thankful for Sonic and their crushed ice. And Butterfinger Blasts. And Cherry Limeades.  And many hours spent discussing stresses, people, music, dating, professors, existentialism, screaming, singing, and stuffing our faces on many Sonic Wednesdays during university years at 3pm every Wednesday after Chorale.  What started as 3 people sometimes grew to as many as 6 but we always had our foundation of 3.
Ethan, Me, Shannon
Day 16-(Phew I never thought I'd catch up)
I am forever thankful for my years at Worlds of Fun.  I remember as a 15 year old kid working at a lovely little pizza place as my first ever job thinking I would NEVER under ANY circumstances work at WOF as all I had heard was horror stories about it from people but secretly hating touching weird food and working only 2 hour shifts 3 times a week.  (Seriously, I don't even know why the pizza place kept me on as an employee as I hardly put in any hours there at all).  I was finally convinced by a good friend to at least apply and he got me in (through some connections) straight to a second interview.  I don't even remember the interview but 2 days later I was coming in for my first day.  I kept returning year after year working my way from the wonderful life of a ticket taker, being deathly afraid of handling money and practically refusing to be a ticket seller, to spending days on end being fried by tropical sun rays out at toll plaza, cleaning up bodily fluids, running/speedwalking a few miles everyday, and then being left alone at an amusement park gate clicking through thousands of will call orders trying to find ONE barcode because parents had given their 5 year child a ticket to hold on to which the child then promptly tore in half or ate.  I also dealt with many animal incidences one being some deer that lept over the turnstiles down at RSG in the wee hours of the morning and us rallying together with height sticks to beat them off, naming the spiders that lived in the corners by the computers, and watching people wade through Syphilis Swamp and Gonorrhea Gulch to find snapping turtles.  Then discovering how honest and dishonest people can be.  This place taught me people skills to the MAX.  Though the job took me away from home a lot in the summers, I think it is the way I could deal through any hardships.  It distracted me from stuff that could have sent me over the edge in many ways.  I knew I could go to work, put in my hours, work as hard as I could, and not really have to think about things outside of work.  Even though there were 2 summers I was completing tests or discussion boards for online classes I was taking during my breaks.  The first picture is of my second summer at WOF with a coworker Megan and the one on the right is of myself and my dear friend Darren.  He listened to so much of my crap over the years and watched me cry on more than one occasion.  I'd also like to credit myself partly to the person and position he is in today. I was his first ever lead down at our home sweet home, the Turnstiles!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankful Month

So I thought since I've been at a loss of what to write about lately I'd jump on in the bandwagon and do some Thankfulness Thoughts.

November 1st-

I am thankful for my friends here in China.  I have posted a few but here is a recent one.
Me, Jackson, Bri
November 2nd-

Soup because now I have dinner for the next few nights due to leftovers.  I attended a soup party on Sunday night with several other teachers and university students.  We had roughly 10 different kinds of soup, American and Chinese alike.  It was a wonderful night of fellowship and eating with new and old friends.
Look at what Irene put on my head! :P
November 3- For so many years, I didn't know normal social skills due to no siblings and my own shyness which resulted in few friends and no 'bosom friend'  (as Anne of Green Gables would describe) that I so long and desired for.  In the eighth grade, the year after I decided to follow Jesus with my life, I found her.  He blessed me with a person I could be completely and utterly transparent with.  I honestly can't think of a single thing that she doesn't know about me.  She has seen me at so many different points in my life and yet she's stuck it out for some crazy reason or another.  I have said countless stupid things in front of her or sounded completely ignorant about things.  She shocks me still with things she will say or do in front of people which inspires and teaches me to be bold.  She is almost the complete opposite of me which is why we are so compatible.  It pains me that it isn't so easy to just call her or go get Sonic/Starbucks or just watch School or Rock or The Emperor's New Groove for the 4000th time. And have concerts in the car (especially when I don't know the words), cruising along the freeway sticking our feet out the window screaming, "I'M DRIVING!"
Me and Shelby Lee Bell.
I look like a freakin' gopher.
A gopher?!
The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for.
-Walt Disney