Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pain demands to be felt

I can't believe I haven't made a TFIOS reference AT ALL in this blog. What's wrong with me?!

Though I suppose TECHNICALLY the title is a nod to An Imperial Affliction and NOT The Fault in Our Stars buuuuuuuuuuuuut..... details.

If you have not read The Fault in Our Stars yet,

No I'm kidding COMMMEE BAACKKK  (for the three people that actually read this blog)
I realize I've used this gif before but she's appropriate in a lot of different situations.

On to the actual blogstpost. blogpost? post? blog? blogst?

Also writing blogs over a few days' time, isn't helpful in sticking to one subject per post.  Though at the start of this post I had just watched The Fault in Our Stars for the second time since I'm now able to download everything again without getting my mother put on the WANTED criminals list. (ask myself or her for THAT story)

This weekened.

FRIDAY NIGHT: came home from school, conked out for 3 hours, downloaded TFIOS and ate cookies for dinner.

SATURDAY: Awoke, watched some GOT, skyped 2 people, graded some journals and projects, went out to get dinner and then laid around until getting out at night for a VERY full celebration of a teachers' birthday.
Me, Jaime, Brittney, Jess the bday girl, Abby, Morgan
Some friends standing outside our second stop of the night
SUNDAY: woke up completely exhausted and hurting from the night before.
A pretty accurate picture of me every morning as I wake up.
Then another Skype session with a recently engaged friend! And cleaning of the apartment! And going to the grocery store with the 6 million other people that live in Yantai and their closest friends. Then I made enchiladas for a Mexican night as continuation of birthday weekend.

Ok well that was probably a pretty boring play-by-play of my weekend. Sorry for those of you that don't particularly care. #sorrynotsorry

Now onto the actual Thoughts from My Head:  Pain demands to be felt.  Everyone feels pain. Everyone expresses it in different ways.  Some people don't know how to express it.  Many times I have expressed pain on this blog.  And through gifs.

 I also enjoy crying to express pain. In the first grade, I was a crybaby and cried everyday when I dropped a pencil on the floor or when another child talked to me.  Because I was socially inept. Then my second grade teacher, Ms. Shaff, basically taught me how to get in control of my emotions since she was a wipe-your-face-get-a-drink-stop-crying-and-sit-down woman which is what I needed.  The pain of having no friends demanded to be felt.

My students feel pain and they think that no one notices. That I don't notice.  Many times they subconsciously try to hid since this is a very private-keep-yourself-to-yourself culture.  So many times I follow the rule I've heard that Disney Princess actresses follow: When you hug a child, never be the first to let go; you never know how long they need it.  Now obviously, there are precautions and limits one has to set, especially being a school teacher and keeping a student-teacher line in place, but with all honestly, the Lord only knows what my students go home to. Academies? ayis? no dad at home? no mom at home? Family dinner? Youth group?  This is not to say I don't know my students because I do but only at a school level.  We as teachers never really know what happens to our students at home that affect their life at school.  We don't know what happens to our coworkers or friends or even people we see on the street on a daily basis.  Though I don't know how good I am telling this to other people, I always tell my students they can come talk to me even if it's about my class, other school, friends, stuff at home.  Many kids are too scared to approach anyone, much less a teacher, to talk to them about things but sometimes all they need is an invitation.
 "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." -Atticus Finch
(Yet another shout-out to the wonderful Miller of teaching this book in the ninth grade)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The title is a nod to The Fault in Our Stars tho because An Imperial Affliction is not a real book :( Also I did not know that about Disney Princess, but I Love it and will change my hugging practices accordingly! ;)