Monday, August 25, 2014

Are you new here?

I have some really good gifs that I want to use in upcoming blogsts including a Big Bang Theory and Sherlock one but I don't know if they'll fit the mood of this one.

Ok so I've been running around like a mad woman ever since I got back in Yantai.  There were a few struggles and setbacks at the beginning that I quickly got over and now am starting to get into a routine.

The beginning of my second year of teaching is VASTLY different from first year. (obviously)  I know most of the students now and they know me.  I now have a middle school music class and high school music class.  I'm definitely taking those in some different directions than years past.  Some new students know very, VERY little English and sometimes I wonder if anything I'm saying is getting through to them.  New teachers are wading through the muck of learning names, learning personalities, learning about living in China, and learning to teach.  I've gotten the pleasure of seeing how many things stuck over the summer with the kids that I taught last year. And then I have my new 4th grader Oliver, brand new to YAS, who already knows all the names of the notes/rests/staff in ENGLISH and my middle/high school kids who I have taught for a year can't remember what a treble clef is.

Makes ya wanna SHAKE a chil'!!!

I have a few new kindy students.  One is Martin, who is little red-haired Emilie's brother.  He is a bundle of energy.  With hair as red as his sisters'.  One day he wouldn't sit still or listen at all so teachery-Ms. McClure came out.  He became very sullen and serene and in a pouty voice said, "I only speak a little bit English."  Then there is Clara who I'm still not sure actually knows her name yet, and Christina and Sean who's speaking voices I have yet to hear but who will sing to their new friend Rocky Raccoon.

Rachmaninoff aka ROCKY
Kindys are able to suspend the disbelief of Rocky as are first graders (most of the time). Second graders struggle to just have fun with Rocky and point out every thirty seconds they know it's my hand moving around.  THANKS A LOT FOR RUINING IT KID!!
I have only 5 girls in my high school music class but they listen and participate and can sing on pitch. I can already tell we're going to have some good times together as the girls are all very different and in a variety of friend circles but come and sing together everyday.

Friday was a game night for the secondary students.  I know I had fun.  My legs can still feel the repercussions and aches of running back and forth in Shipwrecked and picking up a fellow teacher every thirty seconds in Coconuts and Palm Trees. I think the kids enjoyed Amoeba, or the box game, a wonderful little game I learned my senior year of high school at Fall Retreat.  By the end of the evening, even the high school boys' eyes were drooping.

Saturday, I spent 3 hours talking a to and catching up with a friend from university.  Interesting to see how many things have changed for us over the year and a half since graduation.

Then Sunday, was grocery shopping day and lesson planning day where my roommate, Jaime, and I spent roughly eight hours planning. And by planning I mean played around on facebook for two hours, wasted time ordering honey bread and coffee, wechatted some people, then finally got around to actual planning and writing down notes.

I feel like there's a lot more to tell but for now that'll be good.

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