Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hurrah for the PIRATE KING!

In the experimental class of Middle School Exploratory Music, we are currently learning about and studying the topic of musical theatre.  I was actually really surprised because the kids chose this as a topic they wanted to learn about which was fine with me since I am actually an expert on the modern musical. (HA)

Anyway, today we were learning about the early forms of musical theatre which include the comic opera/operetta.  A fine example of this is Pirates of the Penzance.  For those unfamiliar the entire production it's basically people parading around making fun of serious opera singers and acting like swashbuckling fools.  Think Mel Brooks style parody with a pirate theme except written in the 1880s by the genius of Gilbert and Sullivan.  Personally I didn't really learn to appreciate the humor until later but these kids were cracking up over the Pirate King singing and proclaiming his manliness to Frederic and the crew.

Other hopeful showings will include West Side Story and perhaps Les Miserables because education, duh.  Music is not all kpop and Gagnam style and alternative sound.

Also I have discovered that teaching middle school is actually a lot of fun because most of the time, they are still pretty active and participate and plus you can treat them like secondary students.  The only thing is, they still have only the attention span of a kindergartner and you have to literally spell out and spoon food any and all information to them.
 Granted, this is in the culture of where students have been taught to memorize and regurgitate rather than think or come up with their own ideas so critical thinking is something that has to be taught.

I got caught up on some grading and attendance updates tonight, so that's good.

There's a blog I read periodically, Single Dad Laughing, that has Free-Write Mondays where all he does is just start typing and not edit his entry at all.

I don't like writing formal lesson plans.  I can't stand students who don't try (though I was always that kid in school where if something was too hard, I just would stop until someone held my hand through the whole thing).  Parents who complain about homework being too hard or who think we should treat their child special are...a bit... NOT SPECIAL!!!

Ok that's it...I need to get some pictures up or something.  For now I'm just writing.

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