Monday, April 14, 2014

Yes, I love Technology...

Not as much as you, you see. I STIIIIIIIIIILL love technology......... always and forever.

Typical aka atypical series of events when I meet a real live Chinese person or new Western person in China

Starts off great oh hey!

Then we start up a conversation and I'm mainly like this because they either A. understand my Chinese or B. We both speak fluent English.

Then sometimes, like a recent time talking with a rather attractive Asian man who happened to be born and raised in Australia thus having a delightful Sydney accent, I'm like this:

Then it gets to the point where the group must part ways but definitely exchanges contact information. Yay new friends!

Then comes the DREADED QUESTION:

"OH! You have WeChat?!"


As an aside, WeChat is the Chinese equivalent of facebook/texting/linkedin/omegle all riddled into one. If you don't have WeChat you're screwed socially in this country. So when I give an apologetic shrug and say no... I get this reaction:
Any potential friendship is over...

Then this is me:


Why can't I just get this WeChat that I have so spoken of you say?  Because my friends it is a Smart phone app of which most I am able to add on my wonderful KindleFire which I love but some of those apps just don't work the same.  It kind of works but theres a really long story that involves myself, a hacked account, some phone number exchanges, passive agressive emails from a person I only met once, and ultimately it just doesn't work the way it's supposed to.  And also the large factor that is, I don't have Smart phone. Cue this reaction

Well I was going to upload another gif. But it won't load. Plus this post is pretty gif heavy anyway.  It took a really long time to upload all those. 

It's been my favorite blost (blogpost) to write yet.
 Also I get to go visit the doctor on Friday.  No I'm not sick just a government required physical examination. Woot.

Ok au revoir, farewell, auf wiedersehn, Zai jian, Adios!

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