Sunday, April 6, 2014

...And you could have no legs

My face and current attitude about life.  This pretty much sums things up.  It could be worse.  I remember a quote a dear friend I used to have in high school always said.  He was my go-to guy that was an older brother figure to me at the time.  Whenever things went wrong or I complained he told me, "Elizabeth. It could be worse. You could be having a really crappy day right now AND you could have no legs.  Be thankful you have one of those."
My lesson planning has gone down the drain. I don't know what I shall teach my students tomorrow.  Grades are due soon.  I felt ill on Friday night while unbeknownst to me, people were out having a good time.  Saturday I had to lounge around in Korea for my visa run since I don't like travelling alone and didn't want to spend the weekend.  Saturday night was definitely the highlight after getting pizza with a friend and seeing the new Captain America movie. Today, I made my room messier and half the people for fellowship didn't show up for several different reasons. whatever. But overall, the picture above roughly illustrates this weekend.  And I'll get over and through it.  Maybe listening to some J.T. will help.  I looked at ticket prices though and I'm not willing to pay 245 dollars for nosebleed tickets. No thanks.  Will I actually publish this post.  Probably.  But i won't advertise it.

That's all she wrote.  I write what I want.

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