Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I never look back darling.

It distracts from the now.

After getting past the atrocity that was my weekend, I am in somewhat better spirits.

NEVER LOOK BACK!!! (machine washable dearie that's a new feature)

I made myself enough food for my dinner on Monday that lasted me until tonight, the kids responded well to my lessons, and I had Chinese lessons with my tutor tonight.

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job?  It worries me sometimes that my secondary kids aren't enjoying music or actually like singing.  I have no idea what it was like to not like choir as I've lived and breathed choir and music for roughly the last 10 or so years of my life.  It's what kept me going through high school.  As much as I was pushed by my high school director and how many times she made me cry or my voice teacher and how many times he made me cry and my piano professor and how many times he made me cry (though I seriously have never played piano better in my life than when I was in his studio).   I took my choir folder home everyday to just play through the songs and my pieces just because I could.  I got to choir early everyday and always tried to be the last to leave.  I NEVER missed a concert or was late to any event.  I was the ultimate choir nerd. It WAS my life.  I didn't date in high school and only twice in university and choral activities took up 99% of my time.  Perhaps it was a small reason no relationship has worked its way out for me just yet. (HA)

High school is a time I will never look back.  It distracts from the now of my secondary students in 6th to 12th grade and what their life is like.  I've straight up told them I didn't like high school and it's one of the reasons why I'm back teaching: is to get them through it and ON TO BETTER THINGS.

Like university.

Like real adult life.


I've also straight up told my students I don't care if they hate singing, and hate me and hate everyone at this school.  But they WILL be respectful and act like choir is the best freaking thing in the world for 50 minutes a day.

And if they do that, they might just end up loving my class.  ( I can only hope.)

Also,  it makes a difference when you work together as a group and ensemble.  Seeing the looks on their faces when we actually start to make music is rewarding.  Especially because I start doing a giddy dance and skip like a fairy around the room.  Or I jump on the risers and start singing with them because they don't expect it.

And I also straight up tell my students they're being lazy.   Because nobody else does.  And I SO WISH now that more people in my life had given me wake up calls and called me out when I was screwing up even though I probably would've hated them for it.

I'm doing them a favor.  They just don't realize it yet.

I try to tell my secondary kids that I love them everyday.  At first I think they thought I was just kidding with them.  "No. Seriously. I love you.  You are my students and I care about you TOO MUCH to let you slack off and slide through school."  I feel like I already made a post about that but I'm stating it again because of how important it is.


I really hope that gif works above.  I feel like it's only right the first gif should be a Sherlock one.

"The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is two two one B Baker Street. Afternoon!" Duh DUH duh duhduhduhduhduh Duh DUH duh duhduhduhduhduh duh DUH. duhduhduh duhduhduh duhduhduh duhduhduh duhduhDUUUUUUHHHHHHHH...That actually a pretty good rendition of the theme music.

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