Sunday, February 23, 2014

Keep the Earth below my feet

This post has no plan in mind.  Except for the fact I am TERRIBLE at the Chinese language.  I really don't have any pronunciation problems but remembering any phrases other than, "I don't understand," and "I don't speak Chinese," I tend to have problem.  The main reason for this is because I really have no opportunity whatsoever to speak Chinese.  My students and coworkers and close friends all speak English.  In fact, outside of those employed by my school (who all speak English and Chinese fluently), I only know one or two native Chinese speakers.  It has only been since I've been back in China how much of a bubble I feel like I've been in ever since moving here.  It makes me feel very ignorant in this country that I now call my home.  Especially considering the fact that our Chinese teacher we had last semester has now moved to a different job and no longer works for YAS.  Please be yarps that I can find someway to continue to practice/learn Chinese.

In other news, I bought a guitar.  Why it has taken me almost 24 years to finally break down and buy one I'll never know.  I think I have a name picked out but we'll see how it fits after I've had it for a few weeks.  A nearby music store was going out of business and the man was selling everything he had for a VERY discounted price.  In addition, the man is a believer and was more than happy to give us a lot of extra things/accessories. For around sixty U.S. dollars I got a guitar, capo, 2 picks, 2 new strings, a guitar stand, and a truss rod wrench.  Tell me where you will find a deal like this in States.  Only thing I need is a case but that will be another purchase for another day. :)  For now I can tinker around with my uke AND guitar.  Plus now most of my friends all have guitars so we've talked about just having a jam session where we have 7 or 8 of us all play together.

I will be travelling this upcoming weekend so please be in yarps for safe travel and for my experiences.  It will be a post for another day.

The title of today's post is based on the Mumford and Sons song, Below my feet.  Right before I left the States to return to China, I got on a Mumford kick.  Mumford is not labelled as a 'Christian' band whatsoever but their lyrics definitely have some spiritual connotations. This song in particular discusses how the narrator has worked and worked but seems to see  no fruit from his efforts.  The cry is that through everything, to keep pressing on and SERVING and LEARNING.  Learning takes work and work takes time and effort something we never think we seem to have. My time is limited in China as much as I don't want to admit it.
"Do human beings ever realize life while they live it? -every, every minute?"     -Thornton Wilder, Our Town

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