Monday, March 16, 2015


Back to mid February, in the country of Malaysia, a land
just south of Thailand....

It is a day where 2 American tourists have the desire
 to travel to the nearby city-state of Singapore, while
vacationing in Kuala Lumpur and in hopes
of seeing the ocean water and tropical sun.

During their time at the local train station,
tickets sell out travelling to Singapore and 
the two girls are left distraught along
with all hopes of ever arriving
to their destination when 
a fellow foreign traveler approaches them
and informs them that he lived in a Shaman
in India and had just bought a ticket to Singapore.

With all sorts of rage filling one of the women
at the thought of this man stealing one of the
tickets that they were planning to buy, 
they race off to the bus station and successfully 
purchase a bus ticket to Singapore for the next day.

Had they only known of the adventures that awaited them... 

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