Saturday, March 14, 2015

Forging Filipino Friendships!

While in Malaysia, I had the complete privilege of meeting all kinds of wonderful people.  Morgan and I were in a mixed gender dorm room of our hostel so it's kind of inevitable you end up talking to the people you may be sharing a bunk bed and room with.  The way it started was one of the guys (Tim) accidentally bumped into Morgan while crossing paths in the small room and Morgan, being the outgoing and talkative woman she is, introduced herself and thus begin the adventure.  It could have ended with Tim just saying 'Hey' and then completely ignoring us the rest of the time but it tells me a lot about who he is that he immediately introduced Morgan and I to the rest of his friends.  We soon discovered that we all had a lot of the same plans in mind for the next few days and ended up spending half of our time in KL together.  These people were so awesome to meet and I honestly can't imagine what KL would have been like without them.  When in close quarters and spending several hours together with the same people, you tend to create a bond quickly.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy conversation flowed as we swapped stories of university life, living in westernized countries that were still completely different, and what it was like living on opposite sides of the world but still have the same love of travelling.  Morgan and I really hit the jackpot on travel companions.
(Around table from left) James, me, Tim, Morgan, Mary, Ysabel, Silas, Rob

James aka The North Star- James is the one you can pick out in a crowd and also the one that you may expect to be intimidating and gruff when he is actually completely the opposite. :)

Tim- He is fiercely loyal to the people he cares about and you can always count on him to have your back.

Silas- When he asks, "How are you?" he is genuinely interested and always knows how to keep conversation going without being intrusive.

Rob- The funny guy that makes the faces everybody else makes in their head but can hold an intelligent conversation about serious issues.

Mary-  She is a fun and outgoing gal that loves musicals as much as I do!

Ysabel- She also is a musical lover and has an air of sophistication that draws people to her.

I stole every single one of these photos from Silas without his permission. I hope he doesn't mind. :)

I'm so excited to have a new place to go and visit friends now.  I will for sure let you all know when I start planning my trip to the Philippines!

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