Sunday, October 5, 2014


In middle school, it's MOVIE WEEK!  We are watching West Side Story as a wrap-up to our musical theatre unit.  Of course, this is with middle schoolers and any kissing or romance/love is still gross to them.  But then when the exciting rumble scene comes on and people die/get stabbed that's when things get exciting and you hear the audible gasp from 22 twelve to fourteen year olds.

Random picture from a trip to the zoo last spring:

I'll let you figure out the problem.

Also I've decided to put out some music recommendations this go round:

1. Steven Curtis Chapman- Because he's awesome.  And a throwback 90s Christian artist that is still just as great now, if not better due to life circumstances that have been thrown at him in just a few short years.
2. David Phelps- Because I'm pretty sure his voice is a mix between King David's from the Bible and God.  In fact, he may be just King David incarnate what with the man's musical ability.
3. New American Classic- Make You Fall in Love.  I suggest taking a listen because it's good.


All that written above has been sitting in the drafts box for about 2 weeks.  Since then much has happened.


And because I have to format the photos like that, I'm writing captions down here.

Photo 1: (Old man) This was an old man we had the pleasure of meeting at the Temple of Heaven.  The preying mantis on his head was his friend.  This bug just hung out with him and crawled on the man's sheng (Chinese instrument) when it was played.

Photo 2:  This is a photo of myself and an amazing person I have had the privilege of meeting since moving to China.  My friend Jordon is a unique, encouraging, man of God who lives and studies in Beijing.  He lived in Yantai my first year in China and I got to meet up with him again when visiting Beijing.

Photo 3:  I was nicknamed 'The Banker' on the McClure escapade through China.  I had all the monies so I gave my mother and aunt an allowance at the beginning of each day.

Photo 4: Aunt Daphne, me, and Momma in front of the Forbidden City.  Our tour guide April led us around an amazing day to the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, and the Summer Palace.

I also talked to 3 of my friends in 2 days. About an hour each.  Please. I'm always willing to Skype or chat or email or fb message or text anyone.  But I must warn you, I'm pretty bad at texting people back sometimes. or responding. But on Skype, let's talk for an hour. or two. or three. I think the longest I've ever talked is 3 1/2 hours on Skype. It was an intense session. There's a couple of funny photos I've taken from convos and I would love to post them but I won't embarrass anyone (Andrew). 

I also spent the day hanging out with a Chinese friend yesterday.  We just talked, ate dinner, and walked around for several hours. It was wonderful to have face to face conversation with someone and some meaningful talk and some shooting the breeze.  I told this friend that I felt that sometimes Chinese people only wanted to be friends with foreigners(me) because they wanted to learn and speak English.  He wrinkled his nose and said, "That's a really shallow- no I need a more poetic word. Maybe...selfish? Yes, selfish, reason to be friends with someone."  This friend is one of the most interesting people with which to talk.  He always has something to say and is very easy to talk to. (I have to end that with a preposition. sorry English people)

Also I have to go on a teacher rant here:

I will try to be as delicate as possible.  I hope that music/academia is the not the most important thing I teach students.  I hope that I will never be the teacher that will spend hours upon hours upon hours stressing/worrying about WHAT I am teaching my students or being overly meticulous about lesson plans.  While I am in China, the title of my job is teaching children music.  My REAL job is LOVING my children/students/the people that I encounter on a daily basis as HE loves them.  Ya know what I mean?


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