Sunday, October 12, 2014

67 Steps

67 steps.




67 steps is a lot and it is very few.   It is the number of steps I walk up every. single. day. Multiple times a day, or course.  I walk up them once to set my backpack and things down. Then walk BACK down to get hot water for my daily tea intake. Then sometimes I chill out in the teacher workroom or hike back UP the steps to escape into my batcave of a classroom.  Then I trudge down to the bottom floor again for lunchtime, and then climb back up. Then I normally come down about one more time before it's time to race down the steps to catch the bus home.  So, totaling that up comes to about...


402 steps.  Not to mention all the running around I do INSIDE the classroom corralling children during London Bridge or trying to get 5th graders to understand the concept of Ms. McClure only possessing two ears with which to hear.

Also two of my third graders tried to tattle on another boy because he looked at them in the 'wrong' way or made a funny noise. I stopped, gave this face,

And then legitimately asked them what they wanted me to do about it.
Student: "Could you please say something to him?"
"Well.....he's not doing it anymore is he?  Annnndddd....the noise wasn't really directed at YOU soooooo..."

Nothing more happened after that.

Another one decided to start singing about poop and the different colors said feces could be. Sent him out of the classroom, told him third graders don't use that word, and asked if he could only use third-grade words from now on.  He sighed, tried to wriggle out of my hug, rolled his eyes, and sauntered back in.

Also, this gif is one of my favorite gifs to ever gif.

It is THE all encompassing REALLY?! face.  I give this look roughly 4000 times a day to students.  Particularly middle schoolers.  Since they are still elementary kids on the inside.   Never thought I would admit it but I actually really like my middle school students.  They are still at the age that they will stay interested and participate in a lesson but you can speak to them on a more real and personal level.  I think I surprised my sixth graders (my last year 5th grade) on how different I teach/act with different kids. 

Also my week has gotten considerably better in just 2 short days.
Reason #1

HECK. FREAKING. YES.  Except for the fact I have to wait an entire extra day to watch the new episode.  Really I just need me some Daryl (bow hunting action) and Glenn (Handsome Asian action).  I made the picture really big so that you can understand how big of a deal it is this show coming back on.  Last semester my friend Morgan and I would go on Walking Dead marathons.  We would promise each other we would only watch  1 MAYBE 2 episode and quit.  But we couldn't. The Walking Dead is a DRUG.  I can't not get enough zombie action.  Usually our viewing sessions take place on a couch, eyes glued to my computer screen, me smacking Morgan every time a zombie walks around a corner or Daryl/Glenn's life is hanging on the line, and Morgan yelling at me to stop hitting her and her gasping/whispering in awe with every thud of a machete. 

Reason #2

Royals Victory. I'm ready to party like it's 1985.  The best birthday present for me would be the Royals NOT playing on October 25th because that means they would've already won the World Series. 

Reason #3
I was actually quite productive this weekend. Got almost completely caught up with grading on Saturday AND went out for some drinks honoring a friend's birthday and met some lovely new people. 2 loads of laundry done, picked out literature to teach middle school music chillerens. HELLER! Wurrs gern ter ber lernern lerts erv muerserc! Praise the Lort!

And......yep. Done. Till the next time.

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