Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I've had that title written for almost an hour and written nothing on the actual post.

I think I'm having writer's block.

A fourth grader told me today, "My IQ is going to DIE!"

A third grader was STILL talking about seeing a girl's 'panties'.  Those of you that don't know, I HATE bathroom talk ie pooping, peeing, peanut, panty, from kids.  It is perhaps funny outside of class but while I'm in the middle of teaching or if they're singing a song the words always get changed.

Example: Swimming pool song becomes....  POOPING, POOPING, IN A POOPING POOL, WHEN IT'S PEE, WHEN IT'S POOP, IN A POOPING POOL!!!!


Have you ever, ever, ever, in your POOPING life seen a PEEING sailor and his POOPING wife?

Maybe I get so angry because I'm afraid I'll start busting out laughing at 4,5,6 year olds sing/screaming about POOP at the top of their lungs.

John Jacobson needs to write children's songs about the bathroom.

I had a PBJ sammich, bell peppers, and carrots for dinner. With water.  Decently healthy. Except for the ranch dip I dipped the veggies in.

I successfully drew two pictures of animals on the board today and the children actually knew what they were!

Dishes are piling up in my sink.

I always have to have a cup of tea in the morning otherwise, the whole day goes down the drain.  Currently I have been on a TAZO passion tea and TEAvana Maharaja Chai Oolong.  (That a lady at the Teavana store on the KC Plaza shoved down my throat to buy.)  And by a kick I mean, that's all the tea flavors I have.  So if you would like to send me something, send different flavor teas.  Currently I have the TAZO, the TEAvana tea, some Plantation mint, and some chamomile mango.  I miss Earl Grey.

I have roughly 12 boxes of Mac and Cheese in my cupboard.

I went to the mall last night in search of lightbulbs.  After two different stores and 4 different workers I gave up.  And I KNOW it was NOT due to a language barrier.  I brought the old lightbulb with me to the store, asked them if they had this (while pointing and SPEAKING in Chinese) and all they told me was to go ask someone else.  I even found LAMPS!! but no light bulbs.  I suppose I can just shower and pee in the dark.

Friday is a field day and I am paired with the 10th graders aka most rowdy (but most fun) boys and the girls that keep them in line (sometimes). Hopefully I can find a dark purple srhit shrit shirt to wear.

I wish I could speak 10 languages. English, Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, Arabic, Greek, and I don't know a last language.  Spanish is boring, French would be okay. Other candidates were Swedish, Dutch, Hebrew, and Swahili.

This is the most random post I think ever attached to this blog.  I also randomly creeped on people's blogs that I went to youth group and high school with.  They both still live in the KC area but on the other hand are married/engaged.  I watched 3 funny Youtube videos this evening.

Also I would like to tell you a story. A short story. A story about the old, elevator man.  He lives on the ninth floor of my apartment building.  He moves at a pace that makes snails look like they're sprinting.  I see him almost everyday.  The story is that he is VERY impatient when it comes to the elevator. On the first floor, for example, he will walk up to the button and start to press it. Not once, not twice. Not three times. But a CONSTANT pushing until the elevator arrives. Never. Stopping.  Then if that elevator doesn't come fast enough, he turns to the OTHER elevator and pulls the same stunt.  Once one of the elevators arrives, he gets in, presses his number, continuously presses the 'door close' arrows and then goes back to continue pushing his floor number button until he arrives at his floor.  For those of you that do not know if you double press a floor number in an elevator, the light will go out and the elevator will not stop, so the poor man sometimes has missed his floor due to his continuous pressing.